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    CRIIGEN: GM Maize and Roundup can Cause Tumours, Multiple Organ Damage and Premature Death

CRIIGEN: GM Maize and Roundup can Cause Tumours, Multiple Organ Damage and Premature Death

In a study published in “Food and Chemical Toxicology”  researchers led by Gilles-Eric Seralini from CRIIGEN have found that rats fed on a diet containing NK603 Roundup tolerant GM maize or given water containing Roundup, at levels permitted in
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Dr Hussein Kaoud: Organ Damage in Rats Fed on GMOs

In a recent study by Egyptian scientist Hussein Kaoud of Cairo University’s Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene, nine groups of rats and mice were fed different genetically modified foods (potatoes, corn, grapes and tomatoes). (more…)

By |August 23rd, 2012|Africa, Animal Evidence, Lab Evidence|Comments Off on Dr Hussein Kaoud: Organ Damage in Rats Fed on GMOs